Intro To Swing Trading Stock/ETF Options
There are many ways to make money in the stock market. You can buy stocks, or trade options; you can trade indices or futures.
So how do you know which path to take? I would recommend the path with the highest probability of success.
I have created two courses; This into course and my master course. If you already have a decent understanding of the stock market; fundamental and technical analysis of charts then you can skip this course and go straight to my master course where I teach how to trade with over %90 win rates, including how to correct trades that go against you.
Please go over the table of contents below. If you are already familiar with the knowledge contained therein please go straight to my master course; which can be found here:
Cheers and happy trading!
Table of Contents:
Welcome Video
1.1) Stocks Vs. Options: Major Differences
1.2) Define An Options Contract
1.3) What Is An Expiration Date?
1.4) Risks Associated With Trading Options
1.5) How To Open A Paper Trading Account With The TD Ameritrade “ThinkOrSwim” Application
2.0) The Four Main Strategies
2.1) Buying A Call
2.2) Buying A Put
2.3) Selling A Call
2.4) Selling A Put
3.0) Determining The Market Trend/ Posture
3.1) Determining Support and Resistance
3.2) Determining A Stop Loss
3.3) Exploring The Options Chain
4.0) Buying A Call Example
4.1) Buying A Put Example
4.2) Selling A Call Example
4.3) Selling A Put Example
4.4) Determining Profitability
Latest update:
5.1) How to use Interactive Brokers
I teach you how to use the platform Interactive Brokers; which has a minimum of only $2000 USD to begin trading options on margin. You learn to buy and sell calls and puts, and how to write an iron condor.
The fundamental knowledge to begin short term swing trading, using options.